Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility (AFIF)

The objective of the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility (AFIF) call for proposal is to support the deployment of alternative fuels supply infrastructure, contributing to decarbonising transport along the TEN-T network.

The European Commission launched on 29 February a call for proposals under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for Transport Programme: The Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility (AFIF).
The objective of the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility (AFIF) call for proposal is to support the deployment of alternative fuels supply infrastructure, contributing to decarbonising transport along the TEN-T network.

What projects are eligible for funding?

The call covers projects with applications in

  • road transport,
  • maritime transport,
  • inland waterways,
  • rail transport and
  • aviation.

With a budget of 1 billion euros, CEF AFIF 2024-2025 call supports the implementation of alternative fuel supply infrastructures along the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).

The call, which will end in 2025, will focus on:

  • electric recharging stations
  • hydrogen refuelling stations and 
  • ammonia/methanol refuelling points 

along the main transport corridors of the European Union.

In addition to support for electric and hydrogen charging stations, new funding opportunities are presented, such as support for megawatt charging stations for heavy duty vehicles, electric and water infrastructure at airports, and electricity supply and bunkering facilities for ammonia and methanol at ports.

Eligible participants (eligible countries)

In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:

  • be legal entities (public or private bodies)
  • be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.: be established in one of the Member States eligible for funding from the Cohesion Fund
  • Entities from other countries are exceptionally eligible for projects of common interest in the field of transport if the granting authority considers their participation essential for the implementation of the action.

Applicants must have the know-how, qualifications and resources to successfully implement the projects and contribute their share (including sufficient experience in projects of comparable size and nature).


1 billion EUR is available under this call: EUR 780 million under the General envelope and EUR 220 million under the Cohesion envelope.

The AFIF will fund alternative fuels infrastructure by the combination of CEF grants with financial support from financial institutions to achieve a higher impact of the investment. National promotional banks, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will be Implementing Partners (IP) of the AFIF and will facilitate these operations. Other public or private financial institutions (Other FI), such as commercial banks, will also support the financing of the projects.

When to apply?

Applicants can submit their proposals before any of the three cut-off dates:

  • 24 September 2024 at 17.00 (CET)
  • 11 June 2025 at 17.00 (CET)
  • 17 December 2025 at 17.00 (CET)

Timetable and deadlines (indicative)

Call opening:

29 February 2024

Deadline for submission:

1 st cut-off date

2 nd cut-off date

3 rd cut-off date

24 September 2024 17:00 CET (Brussels)

11 June 2025 17:00 CET (Brussels)

17 December 2025 17:00 CET (Brussels)


October – November 2024

July – August 2025

January – February 2026

Information on evaluation results:

January 2025

October 2025

April 2026

GA signature:

May – June 2025

February - March 2026

August – September 2026

AFIF supports mature investment projects having received prior approval from the Member States where they will be implemented, and a pre-agreement with an Implementing Partner or a financial institution established in the EU to guarantee a loan to support the project.

AFIF supports mature investment projects having received a financing approval letter from an Implementing Partner or from a public or private financial institution established in the EU.

Funding rate and maximum grant amount

Union financial support with regard to the grants under the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility shall take the form of:

  1. For topic CEF-T-2024-AFIFCOEN-UNITS: Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Facility - Unit Contributions:

The grant will be a unit grant. This means that it will reimburse a fixed amount per unit, based on unit costs, unit contributions or financing not linked to costs, as follows:

Recharging point of minimum

Unit contribution (EUR)

150 kW


350 kW


  1. For topic CEF-T-2024-AFIFCOEN-COSTS: Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Facility – Co-funding Rate:


Standard Funding Rate

Outermost Regions Rate

Maximum Grant per Recharging Point

Costs of works, vessels, equipment

Up to 50%

Up to 70%


Power output ≥ 1MW

50% of eligible costs



350KW < Power < 1MW

50% of eligible costs



150KW < Power < 350KW

50% of eligible costs



Background of Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

This programme is part of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Transport programme, which plays a key role in funding high-performing and sustainable projects on trans-European transport networks. With 25.6 billion euros available in grants from the EU budget over the period 2021-2027, CEF Transport has supported more than 1,450 projects since 2014, totalling 36.3 billion euros.

The aim of Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) in the transport sector is supporting investments in the construction of new transport infrastructure in Europe or the renovation and upgrading of the existing infrastructure.

The objectives of the TEN-T policy are:

  • the completion of the core network by 2030, built on nine multimodal corridors, and

  • the completion of the comprehensive network by 2050 to facilitate access to all regions of Europe.

The figure shows nine core network corridors, two of which run through Slovenia (Mediterranean Corridor and Baltic-Adriatic Corridor).

Interested? How can we help?

If you are planning a project aligned with one of the CEF Transport themes, do not hesitate to contact us. Tiko Pro has successfully handled numerous EU projects and will be happy to help you prepare your grant application and project plan. As we possess extensive experience, we can take care of the entire application process, ensuring full compliance with EU requirements.

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