Maximize your project's success with Tiko Pro's expert reporting services

At Tiko Pro, we understand that effective reporting is crucial for the success of your EU or nationally funded project. Our comprehensive reporting assistance is tailored to ensure your project not only meets but exceeds the expectations of funding bodies.

Here's how we can elevate your project's reporting:

  • Guideline mastery

Navigating the complex reporting requirements of your funding scheme can be daunting. Our experts are here to demystify these guidelines for you, focusing on critical areas like cost eligibility, timesheets/work tracking, and project audits. We ensure your reporting is accurate, compliant, and optimized for success.

  • Progress report preparation

Your project's narrative and financial progress are pivotal. Our assistance in crafting mid-term and final progress reports is designed to reflect your project's achievements while maintaining compliance with national accounting practices. We work closely with each partner, ensuring every aspect of your report is precise and impactful.

  • Project implementation monitoring

Stay aligned with your work plan and adapt swiftly to changing needs. We actively monitor your project's implementation, participating in consortium meetings to ensure coherence with your project’s governance structure. Our proactive approach includes initiating necessary amendments, aimed at achieving outstanding results and meeting deliverables.

  • Funding body communication

Efficient communication with your funding body is key. Our team expertly handles all interactions, from communicating with project officers to addressing any queries or concerns. This ensures a smooth, transparent, and effective communication channel, essential for the success of your project.


Choose Tiko Pro for unparalleled support in project reporting. We're not just a service provider; we're your partner in achieving excellence and maximizing the potential of your project.



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bring exceptional results

  • 700+satisfied partners worldwide
  • 140 mio €approved grants in Slovenia, Croatia and EU
  • over 90 %success rate combined on all our markets
  • 900+approved projects Europe wide in 10 years