Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

The funding instrument for strategic investments in TRANSPORT, ENERGY and DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURE.

Connecting Europe Facility: Electricity, Gas, Smart Grids, Hydrogen and CO₂ networks

The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is a vital EU funding instrument designed to support infrastructure projects across Europe. It aims to enhance growth, competitiveness, and sustainability by investing in trans-European networks in energy, transport, and digital services. A focus on energy infrastructure through CEF is particularly pivotal for achieving the European Green Deal's objectives, such as climate neutrality, an integrated energy market, and cross-border energy cooperation.

Objectives of the Calls:

The objective of this topic is to support and contribute to the implementation of PCIs and PMIs.

This call supports the implementation of Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) and Projects of Mutual Interest (PMIs) to build a robust energy infrastructure across Europe. These projects are aligned with the European Green Deal, aiming to decarbonize the energy sector and meet the 2030 climate and energy targets.

PCIs must contribute to at least one of the 11 strategic geographical energy infrastructure priority corridors, identified in the fields of electricity, offshore grids, hydrogen and electrolysers, and the three Union-wide energy infrastructure priority areas for smart electricity grids, smart gas grids and carbon dioxide transportation networks. PMIs are electricity, hydrogen and CO2 projects that fall within the energy infrastructure categories which contribute to the Union’s 2030 targets for energy and climate and its 2050 climate neutrality objective.

Topic 1: Works (CEF-E-2024-PCI-PMI-WORKS)

This topic refers to projects for works contributing to the implementation of a PCI or a PMI. Works in the meaning of CEF Energy include the purchase, supply and deployment of components, systems and services including software, the development, construction and installation activities relating to the eligible infrastructure items of a given PCI or PMI, the acceptance of installations and the launching of a project.

Topic 2: Studies (CEF-E-2024-PCI-PMI-STUDIES)

Studies eligible for EU grants are meant to prepare for the implementation of a PCI or PMI. These include various preparatory activities such as mapping, feasibility, evaluation, testing, and validation studies, as well as software-related tasks and technical support measures.

Expected Impact:

The funded projects will:

  • Enhance the efficiency and competitiveness of the internal energy market.
  • Ensure interoperability and connectivity of energy networks across EU borders.
  • Support the economy's decarbonization, improve energy efficiency, and strengthen the security of energy supply.

Who Can Cooperate on the Call:

Eligible applicants include legal entities, both public and private, that are based in EU Member States, including overseas countries and territories, or non-EU countries associated with the CEF Program.

General Conditions for Applying:

Projects need to demonstrate a lack of sufficient market-based financing and show potential for significant socio-economic benefits. They must also align with the specific objectives of the European Green Deal and the 2030 climate goals.

What is the Budget:

The total available budget for this call is €850 million. Co-funding rates are up to 50% for the costs of studies and works, and up to 70% for works in the outermost regions.

  • Works: EUR 10.000.000 – EUR 25.000.000
  • Studies: EUR 300.000 – EUR 1.000.000

Budget per project is not yet announced, our prediction is based on the previous calls.

Duration of the projects:
  • Works: 36 months
  • Studies 6 months

Duration of the project is not yet announced, our prediction is based on the previous calls.

Deadline for submission:

The deadline for application submission is 22 October 2024.

Find calls for proposals in Connecting Europe Facility Programme

Budget: €95.5 billion
Deadlines: 2020-2027




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